Offer is valid from 1 January to 31 December 2025. Offers are only applicable for new purchases on regular-priced furniture items, furnishing accessories items, Serenade, American Star, Dorma & King Koil mattresses & packages only. However, the discount for King Koil & Dorma mattresses & packages are capped at 5% regardless the spending. Offers cannot be further applied on clearance items, Factory Outlet items, BEDz Store & mattresses (excludes Serenade, American Star, King Koil & Dorma). Purchases from BEDz Store & mattresses (excludes Serenade, American Star, King Koil & Dorma), Factory Outlet, clearance products etc. may be used to achieve the minimum spending. Returning customers who have or have not attained the minimum spending in the first order may add on other product to enjoy the same discount only if none of the items on the previous purchase has been delivered. Offers cannot be applied in conjunction with other discounts and privileges (e.g. Shopback, Favepay or ID membership rebates).