Get cashback up to 20%*
Get cash back 10%* when spending every THB 10,000 /sales slip or get cashback 5%* when spending every THB 3,000 / sales slip
limit cash back up to THB 1,500/ customer /PULL&BEAR & OYSHO & BERSHKA brand/ promotion period
SMS registration is required: Type ZAG (space) followed by last 12 digits of Credit card number and send to 4545111 (THB 3/SMS) or register via Rewards+ service on UOB TMRW application (no fee)
19 Dec' 24 - 28 Feb' 25
Point to cash back 10%* when redeeming UOB point equivalent to amount spent /sales slip
limit redeem point up to 50,000 point /customer (all card type) / all participate fashion brands /month
SMS registration is required: Type FA (space) followed by last 12 digits of Credit card number and send to 4545111 (THB 3/SMS) or register via Rewards+ service on UOB TMRW application (no fee)
15 Nov' 24 - 28 Feb' 25
Central World
999/9 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Central World
999/9 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Central World
999/9 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Central Plaza Grand Rama 9
99 Rama 9 Rd., Huai Khwang, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310