Offer is valid till 31 Mar 2025. SCMCNEW50 is valid from now till 31 March 2025 (2359hrs, Singapore time), both dates inclusive, while stocks last.
ISCMCNEW50 is valid with minimum spend S$150 on iShopChangi.com. Discount is capped at S$50.
ISCMCNEW50 can be used no more than 1 time per customer and is valid for new iShopChangiusers only.
ISCMCNEW50 is valid with Mastercard payment only.
ISCMCNEW50 is valid for both travellers and non-travellers.
For non-travellersand arrival travellers, GST and duty payable amount is absorbed by selected retailers. Final price paid includes GST.
Promotional code(s) is/are considered redeemed if the customer cancels the order.
Unless otherwise stated, all standard promo codes are governed by product exclusions and are not valid with all products retailed under Changi Recommends, Selected Best Price Flash Deals, Changi Airport Park & Work Coupons, Changi Airport Park & Fly Coupons, Shilla Retail Plus Pte Ltd, Chanel, Levante, Valencia, Dior, Airport Pharmacy, Skin Inc, Crystal Tomato, Oppo Official SG, Sony Singapore, SG Elect Store, iStudio, Samsung (Ottno), Metapod, Dyson Authorized Reseller, Ban Leong Technologies, Shopitree, Digital Hub, OnSmart, Me Nation Pte Ltd, Selected products from Authorized Supplier #2044, #2143, William Grant & Sons, Macallan, Selected products from Changi Airport Group #2210, #2174, #2138, Sift & Pick, Chow Tai Fook, Gold Heart, Luvenus, Vincent Watch, Kwanpen.
Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd ("CAG") reserves the right to terminate the promotion at any time, or to amend, vary or delete any of these terms and conditions from time to time without notice.
CAG's decision on all matters relating to this promotion will be final and binding on all participants.
Enjoy Responsibly. The legal drinking age in Singapore is 18 years old.
Products & gift with purchase promotions are on a while stocks last basis.
Prices are subjected to changes without prior notice.